How to prepare orders

Cox Black and White Lab, Inc. accepts orders from around the globe.

For domestic shipping we use Priority US Mail, but also offer Federal Express and UPS Services.

International orders:  customer must provide a prepaid, pre-addressed shipping label covering all shipping and taxes.

To place an order, give us a call to let us know you are shipping or emailing an order.  We will contact you once we receive it to discuss any details.

For film developing: Place your exposed film in a box, use shipping peanuts or bubble wrap.  For sheet film we suggest you download your film into a light tight box and ship that (not the actual film holders).

For negatives: Place negatives (in a protective sleeve), between stiff cardboard.  Be sure to write “DO NOT BEND” on the outer shipping envelope.

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Photo projects require an appointment.  Please call or email to set a time.

Our hours can vary depending on assignments. Please call first.

Our normal hours: Mon-Thurs 10-4 closed State & Federal holidays.

Thank you!

-The Cox Team 916-631-7275

Call for film processing turn-around times.