32 Years of Custom Photographic Services
Preservation Photographic Restoration Services
All work is done in-house. Your originals are returned once the project is completed.
All traditional B&W printing is hand enlarged through traditional methods using custom burning and dodging and printed to archival standards. All digital work is printed using archival inks and papers.
Preservation Services
We are passionate about preservation.
Photographs must be preserved for generations to come.
One of the easiest ways to begin this process is with archival storage boxes and sleeves. Store you images in dry, temperature controlled environments (not in the attic or basement). Some images may need to be removed from bright lighting.
For permanence, film is (in our opinion) is the best, tried and true. Make copy negatives of your very special prints for archiving.
For digital images, make several copies, back up to archival discs, external hard drives and make prints.
In the digital world you will have the responsibility to keep moving your stored images to the newest technology. (Remember 8 track tapes, cassettes, floppy discs…).
See listed suppliers under our Favorites Page.
Architectural preservation is important for generations to come. Without it, our world would look like one giant strip mall. To learn more about how to help preserved old buildings, see our section on the Heritage Documentation Programs: HABS/HAER/HALS.

“I have used Cox B&W for all my archival photo processing because they consistently offer timely service at reasonable prices. These photos have to meet National Park Service Standards and none have ever been rejected.”
“The Coxes have consistently produced the quality of lab work requested, often under time constraints, with skill and care. They have been responsive and pleasant every time.”
“The quality of prints you receive from Cox Black and White Lab, Inc are exceptional. I enjoy working with professionals who truly are professional.”
“You are providing a unique service in a professional, friendly manner. Thank you!”
“I have always been excited about sending work to you, because I know it will turn out as good as it can be. Your standards are as high as mine.”
“Customer for 10 years and counting!”
“Excellent, on time, reliable”
“You have always exceeded my expectations, excellent, personal service.”