With thanks to our designer and customers!

It couldn’t have been done without our good friends at Point of Departure Design  and a special thanks to Lisa Bowser whose creative energy and patience never wore out  when she had to clean up my poor web design input (I became my own worse nightmare- an art director who knows some of this stuff, enough to be dangerous!).   My advice: leave your web construction to the experts.  Thank you Point of Departure Design for taking us forward in this new world of communication!

It’s amazing how many images we have seen over the past twenty-six years… has it REALLY been twenty-six years?  It has!  And we are grateful and excited to be sharing them with you.

We have seen some tremendous changes in the photographic industry, especially in the past five years.  There’s been many a sad story with the loss of camera stores, photo labs and customers.

We have seen customers go from shooting film, shooting digital, printing their own images and then not printing at all.  NOW we see a resurgence in film.  Just look at the film one customer sent to us this past year.  It was in several boxes!

While we are busy working away on your orders, know that we are truly thankful for your business.  As cliche as it may sound, we wouldn’t exist without you!

– Katherine Weedman-Cox and some of the staff at Cox Black and White Lab, Inc. 

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Note: Photo projects require an appointment.  Please call or email to set a time.

Our hours can vary depending on assignments. Please call first.

Our normal hours: Mon-Thurs 10-4 closed State & Federal holidays.

Thank you!

-The Cox Team 916-631-7275

Call for film processing turn-around times.